---------Common Mistakes Made in Pay Negotiations----------

  • Bringing the discussion to quickly to compensation. This should rarely, if ever, be discussed during the first interview.

  • Making naive statements such as: "I make X amount now" or "you couldn't possibly afford me."

You may be cash-rich right now, but have no long term equity plan. Consider the overall benefits and compensation package, where you are now and the plan to get you where you want to be.
As a rule of thumb - expect a ~3% increase over rate of inflation.

---------Common Mistakes made by CEOs and Executives

  • Playing too hard to get
    Not getting emotionally involved in the process quick enough......... "I'm not sure....."

Ans. Invest the time and get into the game quickly. Analyze the company's mission, goals, strategies and opportunities.

  • Being arrogant. The only person with the luxury of being arrogant is the employer. Not the candidate - regardless of the position you are seeking.

Has it been a while since you interviewed? It's a bit different on the other side of the desk during the interview and compensation negotiations. Let us give you the solution to this particular dilemma.

Check out out Platinum Package for managers and executives. Invest Time and Effort into increasing your salary and getting benefits you may not have thought about. We can teach you how.

You get:
Full Professional Resume Development
Interview Consultation
Salary Negotiation Coaching
Electronic copy of your resume (MS Word format)

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