Client Testimonials

We have clients from all spectrum of professions. Professional Sales, Pharmaceutical Sales, Engineering, Maintenance and Industrial workers, Naval, Army, Airforce and Marines (returning civilians), Law Enforcement, Government Inspectors, Security Specialists, Technicians, Industrial Sales, Office Managers, Retail Managers, Store Owners, Corporate Presidents, COO, CFO, Accountants, Bankers, Investment Officers, Regional Sales Directors and Managers, Draftsmen, Worldwide Director of Security for large corporation, Freelance writers, Administrative Assistants, on and on and on.....
(we will gladly show you our referral letters)

Candidate Center

"Janet is friendly, professional, and does great work. I was very pleased with the resume, cover letter and salary report she prepared for me.

I received my first interview one week of (getting) the resume..."

Mark Canty
Kingsport, TN

"My Sales Manager said "that out of 100 resumes he had received, mine was by FAR the BEST that he had ever seen!

David Cooper
Sales (career change)
Noland Company

"Well worth the money! Good Job!"
Randy Latta

"I will tell you thus far that I have had excellent results with the resume you prepared. I really can't say enough about your services. I think you have a great future for your company."

Dale Gangaware
Logistics Manager

".... I have been out of touch lately, but my world is turning rapidly around. Wal-Mart flew me out to Arkansas the first week in August for a final interview. I returned on a Friday and the following Monday they had called with an offer. During the interview, (3 teams of 2 people of 1 hour each). I was complemented TWICE on the resume that you prepared for me. After hashing out the salary I accepted the position which is in Brookhaven, Mississippi...... My initial salary increased by 27% along with management bonus and stock options... I couldn't say no!

I wanted to express that there is no question that the resume that you provided for me had a DIRECT impact on me getting this position. I greatly appreciate the service that you have done. Please feel free to use my story for your business."

Bryan Heath
Logistics Manager and Trainer
Wal-Mart Corporation

"I just had to drop you this note to inform you of the serious dilemma you have put me in with the professional resume your company has provided me with! I have not ONE, but FOUR companies bartering for my services with money and benefits. So now I have to take so much time to evaluate these offers.

I just thought you would like to hear about this situation I'm in ( oh poor Bill, right?)

So in closing, I'm thanking you and your company for a job very well done.

You were very professional and understanding to my needs. Thanks again Janet and feel free to show this letter to any future customers that may have doubts about your abilities to market them."

William D. Conine
Windfall, Inc.

I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much help you were in my search to advance my career. Between the resume you prepared and the practice interview sessions, I walked into every interview in total confidence.

Our efforts definitely paid off! I was able to land a great job, make a real move forward in my professional life, and increase my salary by over 350%! The feedback you provided after the practice sessions helped me refine my interview skills and made me ready for every question thrown at me. I am certainly glad I took your advice and went ahead with your "Gold Package" option.

Anyone looking to find a new job or take their career to the next level can definitely benefit from your services. Thank you again for all your help.


Chip Smith
Senior Account Executive

"The interviewer said that he has seen hundreds of resumes from pencil on scrap paper to nice looking resumes; however, my resume was by FAR the very Best he had ever seen. He was so impressed with the resume, by the end of the interview, he was trying to figure out how to get me my Level III certification that I needed for the job!

Excellent job!"

name withheld upon request
Nondestructive cleanup specialist

(transitioning into Pharmaceutical Sales)
"At my interview, the District Manager said that out of the hundreds of resumes that he had seen over 12 years, mine was the best written and presented that he had ever seen."

Watson Pharmaceuticals
Sarah Hansen - Sales

"I think the service was great! I gained a lot of knowledge of how well a resume may open doors, that a simple resume may not have. It was very reasonable and I was very impressed with the cover letter. Janet offers different ways to do resumes, and I thought mine was great! I had went to another service before, and I must say that this was the best!"

Juanita McCall

"Hey Janet,

Just wanted to take time and thank you for your assistance and excellent service that you have provided me over the last few months. I am proud to let you know that I have just accepted a position with a major Pharmaceutical company as a Sales Rep.

Actually, I had two Pharmaceutical companies extend offers of employment to me, both are in the top five in the Pharmaceutical Industry. It took several months, but it's worth it! Again, thank you!

Best regards,"

Michael Brannon
Career Changer from Customer Service
to Pharmaceutical Sales Rep.

"I think you did wonderful work. I was impressed with the resume you did for me. In fact you impressed me so much that I intend to gift my daughter with a professional resume from your service. She will be graduating next year as a Registered Nurse.

I also love the extra services that you provide with the folders and thank you notes."

Wanda Burkhart
Office Manager

"... I have been busy... getting settled in my new job. I wanted to thank you so much for your help in doing my resume. Your service was unique. I feel as if you took the time to get to know me an an individual in order to represent me in writing my resume. During our sessions, you made me think of things I accomplished.... I realize that we don't often give ourselves credit for things that we are responsible for. You transformed my resume and qualifications into a wonderful marketing presentation. Clear, concise and brief, making me as a candidate, stand out above the rest.

The interview sessions were invaluable in preparing me to present my skills and value to my prospective employer. Most importantly, it opened the doors into a company that offers wonderful opportunities for growth into my future career....

.... I have referred as many people as possible.... and will continue to do so.... I referred Melissa Ringley and she was extremely pleased with your services also. It produced immediate results. Thanks again!

Hilda Hines
Business Manager

"I have been to a couple of resume services, but wasn't satisfied with the results. At Absolute Professional Services, a resume was actually developed for me which turned out wonderfully!"

Barbara Jarrett
Customer Service Manager

Plus many more comments and letters... we didn't want to overwhelm you... surely you get the gist......

"If Janet can't make you look good, you need to go out and shoot yourself! Great work, and well worth the money... and I'm very frugal...i.e. cheap!"

name withheld upon request
Hospital Administrator

Absolute Professional Services | Kingsport, TN | Ph: 423.245.6323
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